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Accesories 3.0 VIP

Lili's Glass

Accessories 3.0! March 1st, We will be showcasing tons of amazing artists from all around the world!
Local & virtual VIP available!
We will have a live preview of all the work shortly before the show via Instagram.  We will also draw names for purchase order, and order presented in Show group chat.  When it is a virtual buyers turn we can do a FaceTime video call to make a selection.  Message us on Instagram to be added to the group chat for updates.  
Featuring works of art from @508wooks @aquariust @bmftglassarts @brandon__martin @beardedglassart @brianjacobsonglass @evancals @chakaglass @bus18.glass @frostysfresh @elliottsglass @captainfacets @magizle_ @lyonsglass @marvinsglass024 @newkidglass @soup_glass @sjp_glass @struggle_glass @slateglass @wildfireartglass @zanksyglassart @snodgrassfamilyglass @bobsnodgrass1946 @PorterGlass 

Collections: $100 & Under, $100-$250 package insurance, Sold Out

Type: Unknown Type

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